Samanya Yoga

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Ahimsa (Non-violence)

Ahimsa is the practice of non-violence in thought, word, and deed. It encourages the cultivation of a compassionate and loving attitude towards all living beings, including oneself. In a world where aggression and competition are prevalent, Ahimsa teaches us to approach situations and relationships with kindness and understanding. It also teaches us to also encourage this behaviour in others.

You can practice Ahimsa whilst working through your physical practice. You can let go of thinking negatively about aspects of your body, accepting yourself as you are regardless of your flexibility or ability to do certain poses.

Being kind to yourself on your mat means not pushing too hard in poses and letting go of the “should”, working with your body and not against it.

Off your mat, you could pause at the end of each day and make a note of moments when you practised kindness or when you struggled to do so. This can deepen your understanding of non-violence in action.